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Old 03-29-2024, 07:51 AM
Sparty Sparty is offline
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Default Gemini re Ag supply - demand - alternative energy

Gemini your earlier answer : "Supply and Demand:This is the fundamental driver of price in any market, including silver. Silver is mined globally, and its price reacts to fluctuations in supply and demand."

Gemini Question: this would seem to suggest that Ag with its increasing use in alternative energy could likely be a likely contender is that correct?.....

Gemini Answer: You're absolutely right. Here's a breakdown of why silver's increasing use in alternative energy makes it a strong contender for the future:

Rising Demand:

The global push for renewable energy sources like solar and wind power is significantly increasing the demand for silver. Silver is a critical component in solar panels and other clean energy technologies.

This rising demand, if not met by a sufficient increase in supply, could potentially drive up silver prices in the long run.

Limited Substitutes:

Unlike some other commodities, silver has limited suitable substitutes in many of its industrial applications, including solar panels. This strengthens its position as a key metal for the clean energy transition.

Growing Market:

The global market for renewable energy is expected to keep expanding significantly in the coming years. This translates to a potentially long-term increase in demand for silver.

Fundamentals Look Promising:

Based on these factors, the fundamental outlook for silver seems positive. However, it's important to consider some additional points:

Supply Constraints: If new silver mine exploration and development don't keep pace with rising demand, it could lead to a supply shortage. This could significantly impact prices.

Short-Term Price Fluctuations: Silver prices can be volatile in the short term due to various factors like economic conditions and speculative trading.

Overall, silver's role in the clean energy sector positions it well for the future. However, careful research and consideration of all factors are crucial before making any investment decisions.


Disclaimer: The author of this post, may or may not be a shareholder of any of the companies mentioned in this column. No company mentioned has sponsored or paid for this content. Comments on this forum should never be taken as investment advice.

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