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Old 03-26-2024, 08:05 AM
Sparty Sparty is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default Is white colorbond roofing more expensive than dark colorbond roofing

The color of Colorbond roofing itself generally doesn't significantly impact the price per sheet. Here's why:

Colorbond Coating: Colorbond uses a pre-painted steel system for all their colors, including white and darker options. This means the manufacturing process for applying the color is likely similar regardless of the chosen shade.

However, there are some factors that might influence the overall cost of a white Colorbond roof compared to a darker one:

Colorbond Product Lines: Colorbond offers different product lines with varying features and price points. Some higher-end lines with improved performance or aesthetics might be available only in certain colors. If you choose a white roof from a premium line, it could be more expensive than a dark roof from a standard line.

Availability and Demand: In rare cases, if there's higher demand for a specific white color or a shortage of white Colorbond sheets in your area, it might temporarily affect the price compared to readily available darker colors.

Here's what you can do to get the most accurate cost comparison for your specific project:

Contact Roofing Contractors: Get quotes from several qualified roofing contractors in your area. They can provide the most up-to-date pricing information based on current material availability and project specifics like roof size and complexity.

Specify Colorbond and Color: When requesting quotes, be clear that you're interested in Colorbond roofing and specify the desired white color. This ensures you're comparing apples to apples.

While the color difference itself might not be a major cost factor, it's always best to get quotes to determine the final price for your white Colorbond roof project.


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