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Old 04-17-2014, 06:51 AM
Sparty Sparty is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 2,281
Default Linc: Qld Govt. continues its vendetta

Not withstanding that our Qld govt. being so solidly wrapped up into the coal seam methane industry that they attacked Linc causing them to move off-shore; they seem inclined to continue their vendetta against UCG companies in Qld. The latest tilt against Linc Energy shows how one sided they are.

As P Bond of Linc says "It must be remembered and indeed put into context that Linc Energy has had an on-going dispute with DEHP for a number of years now, a rift that essentially is based around the DEHP's lack of knowledge of UCG and their unwillingness to learn about the UCG process. This has led to issues of miscommunication and misunderstanding by some people within the Department and vice-versa, so I guess it's no surprise that this dispute has occurred. The other key issue here is that this long running rift, that was originally a political issue where DEHP was involved with the CSG versus UCG dispute which commenced several years ago under the previous State Government.

The actions of the Department has had the effect of causing great distrust and suspicion by Linc Energy and many of its stakeholders, subsequently undermining the opportunity to work in a collaborative manner. Because of the widespread belief that the DEHP has run an agenda against the UCG industry over several years now, operating a UCG site within the State of Queensland is now viewed as a sovereign risk issue, which is why Linc Energy decided to shift all its operations except its Head office out of Queensland some time ago."

“I am obviously disappointed that the Department has not afforded Linc Energy the opportunity to formally respond to any allegations prior to this point in time. While we were aware that investigations were being undertaken, we assumed that we would get the opportunity to set the record straight,” Bond said.

“It is also worth noting that Linc Energy has monitored the groundwater at site to a degree that far exceeds our legal obligations under our Environmental license requirements to do so and we have always been within the License guidelines.” read full article ith_Queensland_Government

Read about UCG and UCG-GTL at for an Australian perspective.

But remember that Linc delisted from our ASX and is now listed on the Singapore stock exchange (SGX) under the sticker code TI6
Linc Energy Ltd: SGX:TI6 quotes & news - Google Finance

You can trade TI6 with etrade


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